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Understanding Neurodevelopment and Neurodevelopmental Disorders (Autism Spectrum Disorders; ASD)

The Journey of Neurodevelopment: Building the Brain

Think of the brain as a city, one that starts building itself from the moment you're conceived and keeps growing and changing into your early twenties. This city doesn't pop up overnight. It's a gradual process, much like constructing an actual city, but instead of bricks and mortar, we're using neurons and neural pathways.

The Early Days: Setting the Stage

In the very beginning, even before you're born, your brain is already at work. It's like laying the foundation for our city—deciding where the buildings will go, which roads will connect them, and how everything will work together. This foundation is built on two things: the genes you inherit from your parents, which are like the city planning guidelines, and the environment you're exposed to, such as the food, sounds, and even the emotions around you.

Building Blocks: Neurons and Neural Pathways

As you grow, especially in the early years, your brain is busy putting up the buildings (neurons) and laying down the roads (neural pathways) that connect them. This is when the brain is most like a construction site, bustling with activity. Every new experience—from playing peek-a-boo to hearing language—helps to build more roads and strengthen the connections between different parts of the brain.

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